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Firefox 3

I have finally got around to installing Firefox 3 on all our computers. That’s 6 PCs 2 laptops and 1 server that need to be upgraded. The other 2 servers don’t have browsers being used. However I found the process very simple. Naturally I sat at my desk and used remote desktop connections to all the PCs to do the installs. all-firefox-logo Unlike previous versions of Firefox this upgrade was very clean and simple. All the users settings were maintained, all extensions were upgraded automatically where possible, where new versions existed the opportunity to download and install was there and those that were not available were gracefully disabled. I had waited until Session Manager was available before doing the upgrade, and it upgraded fine. All the open tabs in the saved session were restored in Firefox 3.

I am noting some problems with rendering – my banking website does not quite display correctly with some layout issues. However most sites seem to be fine.

I’ll report back any issues later on if I come across them.

My recommendation: Upgrade unless you have burning need to stay with Firefox 2. If you are using Internet Explorer still, then consider the move to Firefox 3.

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Drupal Security Patches - upgrades available

Drupal has today announced Version 5.8 and 6.3, releasing security patches to fix some security flaws.

Here is the announcement:


drupal-logo1 Multiple vulnerabities and weaknesses were discovered in Drupal. Neither of these are readily exploitable.


Free tagging taxonomy terms can be used to insert arbitrary script and HTML code (cross site scripting [ ] or XSS) on node preview pages. A successful exploit requires that the victim selects a term containing script code and chooses to preview the node. This issue affects Drupal 6.x only.

Some values from OpenID [ ] providers are output without being properly escaped, allowing malicious providers to insert arbitrary script and HTML code (XSS) into user pages. This issue affects Drupal 6.x only.

filter_xss_admin() has been hardened to prevent use of the object HTML tag in administrator input.

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Link Fest

link Here is a round up of a lot of pages I have tagged in delicious or just decided to link to because of their content but don't have time to review in depth.

Mark from Geeks are Sexy has written a very good article on writing for the web using RSS and other tools to gather information and resources. A must read for any serious blogger.

Miguel from Tip of the Day has written a long explanation of the need to Make and Maintain a Master Information Document. Use this tool to hold all passwords, settings and other vital information that your executors and survivors will need when you die.