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My new desktop background

This is my new desktop background. I took this photo yesterday in Lamington National Park. It is a Crimson Rosella.


You can buy this image as a framed print, greeting card etc from Red Bubble.

jethro's picture

Photography, Patronage of the Arts and Geek Girls

I have been taking lots of photos lately. Last weekend I took 2,222 photos for Kitty’s Wedding, from which I have uploaded 474 of Kitty’s wedding to my flickr account, and a few of the very best to my RedBubble Account where they can be purchased.

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Moreton Bay Regional Homeschoolers Group 1st Annual Art Show.

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Yesterday Jethro Management sponsored a homeschoolers Art Show. Along with numerous place prizes we also picked the best in the competition and awarded a $50 gift voucher to one very excited and talented artist, Joel. There was some spectacular art by the children and it was very hard choosing first place. Joels 3 dimensional seascape is shown below. More art competition photos on Flickr.

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Last night I went to the 5th Brisbane Girl Geek Dinner – Guitar Hero Night.

Once again I got some awesome shots of the girls playing games. All the Girl Geek Dinner photos are up on Flickr.

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jethro's picture

Mercedes Birthday at the Zoo

We went to the zoo today for Mercedes birthday. We only went for the morning after having presents at home. On the way we stopped for breakfast and so did the Army – I got some pictures of the APC’s on their way to an exercise.

Photos of Presents

Photos of APCs

Photos from the Zoo

My favourite picture of a finch is in the photo archive blog

jethro's picture

Wildlife shots

I spent the last 4 days in New Zealand with my parents and siblings and their families. Unfortunately the rest of mine couldn't come for various reasons. While spending some time in a kayak yesterday we saw some frogs at the edge of the little lake. I was able to get the camera on the kayak – very carefully – and manoeuvre right up to the edge of the bank and snap some awesome shots – I even got a dragonfly landing on the frogs nose. I also snapped some shots of a tui feeding on the flax flowers. That was hard as these birds don’t sit still for more than about half a second. More shots on Flickr