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Lena's picture

How To Make Your Blog URL as Your OpenID

OpenID allows you to use a single username+password combination that lets you log into hundreds of websites including Digg, Blogger, WordPress, Technorati, etc. Unlike traditional web forms that require you to type both the user name and password, you just need to type a personal URL in the OpenID login box. To get an OpenID that is the same as your blog URL:

Step 1: Visit myOpenID and create your profile - it will be something like

Step 2: Open the HTML source code of your blog / website and add the following lines of code:

<link href=”” rel=”openid.server” />
<link href=”” rel=”openid.delegate” />

Replace xxx with the user name that you created in Step 1. Save and you are done. Your blog URL is now your OpenID.

jethro's picture

Mad Mad Days - oh and a blogfest meetup thingo

I am working insane hours at the moment - just to coordinate 4 projects that have somehow managed to end up in my job queue with simultaneous deadlines and due dates.

The projects themselves are scattered across the world with 3 different time zones involved, I have developers involved in 2 different time zones. The good thing is that once these have completed I will be able to leave my desk for a half day break (at least that's the plan).


Good things have been happening though. A hard drive failed night before last. All it had on it was my entire music collection, so that was good - I had a backup and that was restored in about an hour, and the drive itself is under warranty. Jude has gone to collect the replacement today.

Lena's picture

Introducing Lena

Lena has been working for Jethro for one and a half years now. For the past several months she has been writing technical articles for me about stuff I find on the web. In case you were wondering who the Lena was that submits posts on this site, this is a short explanation.

How we work together is I tag web pages in delicious constantly. There is a rss feed link of the latest items on the right hand side as well as easy access to the major categories. When I want to report a specific page or the details of something we use here, I add a special tag for Lena. She then reviews those items and writes an article for me on here. She does these in bulk and queues them up for me. I can then edit them and release them at my leisure (Read - when I don't have time to write one myself!)

jethro's picture

Writing for the Web - Short v Long Articles

Robin Good poses the question whether Short vs Long articles are best when writing for a web audience.

I like this statement he made:

Should your website have concise or in-depth content?