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jethro's picture

Fashion Sales

Be Warned - Geek girls (and other readers of the gentle female persuasion) may be excited after viewing the following notices of clothing on sale! Boyfriends and husbands should watch for signs of wallet fingering and wardrobe shuffling and muttering – “There’s no room i here - what can i throw out to make room for all these yummy clothes?” Spyjournal takes no responsibility for sudden increases in credit card limits.

These adverts were found on Missy Confidential - not affiliated with Spyjournal.



Madaboochoo are having a massive warehouse sale where you could win $5000* worth of new season designer clothing.

All you have to do to win this amazing prize is come along on the day of the sale and purchase any item of clothing.

*Please see the website for full terms and conditions of entry

Saturday 25th July, 2009- one day only.

Unit 9, 21 Duntroon Street, Brendale, Brisbane

jethro's picture

Random stuff - and politics

What ever you do or don’t like about the Rudd Government (or is that the Labour Government? We tend to blur these things, but we shouldn’t) this little story should give you some insight into the man Kevin Rudd. Now lets see if he follows through!

Update - the group 78 people were forcible evicted.

Mollom – the Drupal spam management system created by the creator of Drupal Dries Buytaert - has blocked 100 Million spams. We use it here but recently its been letting a few through on the comment system. so our apologies for that.

Robin Good reviews GoogleWave – article written by John Blossom

Windows 7 Media Centre background can be changed and more here

Jenine’s write up of the latest Girl Geek Dinner – with my piccies.

amanda's picture

Geek Girl Blogger - Jenine Beekhuyzen

We have the GGB survey of Jenine Beekhuyzen for you…

jenine Name: Jenine Beekhuyzen
Screen Name: jeninebeek - or a word for a Mayan serpent god, Kukulcan
Personal Blog:
Social Networks: Facebook mostly, I am trying to finish my PhD so my online free time is limited at the moment. Am interested to check out twitter but realise it will take up more time than I know I have! :)
Current Employment: Full time PhD student at Griffith University. Lecture at the Qld Institute of Business & Technology. Run my own business in which I do software training in Nvivo software and I also make jewellery and mosaics for sale (completely 'un-tech' which I love)
Location/country: Brisbane, Australia

What is your reason/motivation for blogging?

I blog to promote my book 'Tech girls are chic, not just geek' - which is a not for profit project aimed at smashing the geek stereotype and encourage school girls to consider a career in Information Technology. The book is distributed free to school girls across Australia, with 8000 distributed in Australia and overseas since March 2008. I use the blog as a way to communicate the various activities that involve the book (such as careers events and expos where it is distributed for free). I dont know how many people read it but at least it is a way for me to keep track of everything that happens.

jethro's picture

Google Wave - the future is here

Wow! All I can say is “freaking awesome!”

google_wave_logo  Imagine your email, instant messaging, tweeting, blogging, picture sharing and editing all in one place – in your browser, available from anywhere, your mobile, internet cafe, work, friends place, anywhere.

Instantaneous shared editing, wiki like collaboration, history, threaded conversations, and more. This is going to be huge. Chris Saad predicted that 20% of enterprise users will be using wave in the first 12 months for more than 50% of their comms (replacing email and wiki) within 12 months from public release. I concur with his prediction.

Watch the 1 hour 20 video from Google developer conference – I was glued to it.