Internet Technology

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The High Calling Website

Gordon from RLP has been working hard on the High Calling Website, a website dedicated to recognising Christians in workplaces upholding Christian values in their work.

I have had my site linked on the Technology pages.

I particularly like the way they have described what I do!

People who work in technology often get lost in the background. They are the
ones who make the computers do what we want them to do. The people they serve
rarely contact them unless something is broken. Sometimes they feel like a cog
in the machinery. Still, these Christians are called to maintain faith and hope
in an industry that can seem very impersonal.


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What do I do?

I am always being asked what do I do?

It's complicated.

You can read about some of it on our company website where I explain our Drupal Development and hosting

jethro's picture

Word of Mouth Forum WOMF

WOMF, the word of mouth forum has just started operating in Brisbane.

It enables people to give and get recommendations for businesses and services in all different places. Currently they are operating in Brisbane North and Brisbane South, Gold Coast, Otago New Zealand, Bloemfontein SA and Namibia.

If you are local to one of those areas, check them out and add your recommendations.

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Viruses and Illegitmate Windows

I spent 3 hours in the weekend cleaning viruses and trojan horses out of a friend's computer. They had popups happenning galore and the pc was running so slow because of all the applications that were loading at start time it almost wasn't functioning at all.

The worst thing, they had been sold the PC and Windows XP and Office 2003 by some dodgy backyard bloke who had given them illegal unlicensed software, though they were unaware of that fact.