Operating systems

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Gordon Atkinson's picture

What I like About the Mac

 Leopard Spaces

Last time I told you that there were some awkward moments in making the switch from PC to Mac. But in spite of those, there are so many things I love about the Macintosh. Let’s start with the minor things.

jethro's picture

Random stuff - and politics

What ever you do or don’t like about the Rudd Government (or is that the Labour Government? We tend to blur these things, but we shouldn’t) this little story should give you some insight into the man Kevin Rudd. Now lets see if he follows through!

Update - the group 78 people were forcible evicted.

Mollom – the Drupal spam management system created by the creator of Drupal Dries Buytaert - has blocked 100 Million spams. We use it here but recently its been letting a few through on the comment system. so our apologies for that.

Robin Good reviews GoogleWave – article written by John Blossom

Windows 7 Media Centre background can be changed and more here

Jenine’s write up of the latest Girl Geek Dinner – with my piccies.

jethro's picture

Virtual PCs

I have been building / rebuilding a lot of virtual PCs lately.

image We use them a lot in our software development because we need to be able to develop in the same environment as the client has. Many clients are still stuck on XP and Office 2003. So we build a virtual machine that has this OS and Office installation.

I have been accepted into the Office 2010 tech preview, and was trying to build a Windows 7 64bit beta virtual machine to load the 64 bit Office applications into. I was unable to do so and it relates to something to do with hardware virtualisation. Personally I think this is just an issue with the windows 7 64 bit beta architecture because I was able to do it using a fresh real hard drive.

On the way I have found some tools and websites that have been helpful.

jethro's picture

Links Galore

Windows 7 – the news keeps on coming in!