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Smith: Unum's two million dollar man

Recently I found that Unum, a Fortune 500 company that provides long term and short term disability, group life and long term care insurance for more than 100,000 companies, uses OneNote 2007!  Looks like they save over $2 million by switching to OneNote by going to a paperless system.

CB068328_LoRes Creating, Saving, Sharing Themes in Windows 7. An in depth how to from the Engineering Windows 7 blog.

From Sarah Arnold: Opportunity to win a Windows 7 Laptop if you are a Microsoft Partner

The Worldwide Windows Marketing Team has launched a Windows 7 partner video contest and I would love to see Australian Partners involved.

To get involved all you need to do is be a Microsoft Partner, create one or many 2-3 minutes video(s) and post it to DigitalForumTV.comfor voting by anyone with a Live ID.

Microsoft Mapping Roadshow – Melb, Syd, Brisbane - 9-12 June

Places are limited so if you do wish to register please do so ASAP at

Has your Share Point Document Library Explorer view disappeared after SBS 2008 Update Rollup 2. This also affects the ability to create new templated documents or edit documents in their native office application. The datasheet view also disappears. We had this happen and after a lot of research found this post by Chad that solved it for us – and then Philip posted a similar answer a couple of days later. The solution is to Enable Client Integration under the Authentication Providers section in  SharePoint Application Management.

Joel Spolksy has launched ServerFault – a jobs board for developers and software engineers.

Geeks are Sexy links to the Assassins Creed 2 trailer and gameplay videos. Cant wait for this game to come out!

Web 3.0 Concepts Explained in Plain English (Presentations) from Amit.

Amit also shared information about new functionality for MP3 files on SlideShare.

Google Chrome is getting extensions – the extensions page.