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Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 3 - problems with Excel Macros

Microsoft released Office 2003 Service Pack 3 (SP3) recently. According to their blurb
Microsoft® Office 2003 Service Pack 3 (SP3) represents a major evolution in security for Office 2003. It further hardens the Office suite against potential attacks and other security threats. This service pack also includes fixes that have been previously released as separate updates for Office 2003.
You can get specific information about this update in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article (923618): Description of Office 2003 Service Pack 3

jethro's picture

Excel Calculation Errors

Yesterday evening as I was about to go to bed one of my developers Doug, sent through a link to a forum post outlining a serious calculation error in Excel 2007.

This afternoon David Gainer, in the Excel team, posted an official response to the Excel 2007 Calculation Error.
He outlines the background to the problem, the specific issue in Excel 2007 and the solution.

It looks like it will be 10-15 days before a patch is distributed.

I will keep you all updated.

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Navipane for Excel

Navipane contacted me to review their addin for Excel on this site.
I went to the Navipane website, downloaded, installed and used the Navipane addin for Excel. I noticed there a bunch of similar addins for other Microsoft Products, notably PowerPoint, Word and Access.

I am using Excel 2007 so this review relates to how I interacted with Navipane in that environment.

When installing you are required to have Excel closed.
The first thing I noticed after opening Excel again was that there was an addin menu called Navipane in the ribbon, and a resize able tabbed window had opened up on the right hand side of the Excel pane titled Navipane System.
The tabs listed are Home, Sheets, Favorites and History.
