Thursday, December 09, 2004

Insaniquarium Hints

I have been getting a lot of hits on this site for Insaniquarium hints after posting an article about it.
This is a fascinating game - more addictive than coffee! All my wives and kids are playing it, OK 1 wife and 3 of my kids as the 10 month old cannot yet. Even the 3 year old is playng it. My wife and eldest daughter have beaten me and finished the game. Their PCs are playing the screen saver in a mad grab for shells to buy more fish in their show aquariums.
Oh the hints, fill the tank with as many fish as possible, upgrade food quality and food quantity only and get the carnivores and ultravores as soon as possible - feed them heaps.
Use the pets that help generate and catch cash. I use the mermaid, the turtle and the snail. The mermaid generates a ton of cash, the turtle slows it down and the snail catches it. Basically by the time you get to the 4th round of tanks you are just clicking as fast as you can on the ton of cash streaming down.
And if you want to start the insanity click here.