Monday, October 04, 2004

Quickly change Chart Titles in Excel

HAve you ever buit a bunch of charts from some data and presented them to your boss or client only for them to want the titles all changed? Maybe you want your chart titles to update with the date or month that the data is being presented for.

A quick way of doing this is to use links in the titles and not type the title into the chart options dialog box.

The quickest way I have found to do this is to actually type a couple of letters into the chart title in the Chart Options dialog Box and hit OK. This gives you a chart title that you can see and select. Once selected click in the formula bar, type = and then click the cell that has the chart title you want.
The chart title is instantly updated to the cell value. Note the cell can be a formula giving you a combination of text and values (eg using the formula CONCATENATE).

Changing the cell value automatically now changes the chart title. Link all your charts with the same name to the cell and "voila" - instant changes of chart titles when the cell link is changed.