Saturday, April 29, 2006

Round the blogosphere

Here are some funny posts from friends, news about blogging in general and some great tips on professional blogging from Darren. Enjoy!

Rocketboom - Amanda Congdons 3 minute daily video blog is huge - I'm a fan!

Kristyk posts the funniest story about her husband Mike and their boys and pretty girls butts!

A diagram of my heart was published on the Blue Sloth.

Unofficial Offie Stuff has some fantastic Windows XP FAQs

Robin Good posts about the blogosphere's growth via Technorati CEO Dave Sifry.

"The blogosphere continues to grow at a quickening pace." wrote, Technorati CEO Dave Sifry, almost three months ago, when his leading blog search engine, Technorati, reported to be tracking over 27.2 Million weblogs.

How do you build Blogger Credibility? Darren Rowse has written a great series.
Here is number 4 titled Blogger Credibility. Links to the rest of the series can be found there.

Courtesy of Doug from Reality Me comes this fantastic picture of a "car"!

The Register continues to write awesome satirical BOFH posts.