Saturday, November 12, 2005

What to post when there's nothing in your head

Apart from empty throbbing grey matter that is.

Do you have those moments when you come to post a blog post and your mind goes blank? Maybe you don't and this is just me. Sometimes I wish I could have an instant rewind feature - a button in the middle of my chest would be good. It could go back 15 seconds and replay the thought that I had, the statement I wanted to make or the object I was looking for when I walked into the kitchen and came to a screaming halt with a "What the heck did I come in here for?"

See there ya go - I forgot what I even came in here to say just by writing that.

Actually I remember now (thanks to the clipboard - hey that's what we need in our heads!) because I copied this link to Nicole's site where she asks some questions to which there is no answer!

And my point (for the title of this post) is that if you can't think of what to write - never fear. Link to someone elses work! If what you send your readers to is funny/useful/serious/heart-tugging/tear-jerking/ire raising enough then your readers will thank you for it and maybe the linkee will link back to you!

And that helps everybody.