Monday, December 06, 2004

Adsense Optimisation

Thnks to Darren at ProBlogger for the link to Brainy Betty who has provided the following information about her lessons learned from Adsense.
Here's the tips she provides to make Adsense work more efficiently for you.

'A year and a half later with AdSense and still going strong - here are my lessons learned: (What are yours?)

1. Graphic design: Provide clean pages and lots of them with a simple, 1 color (non-tiled, generally) background

2. Meta Tags: Use them! Make sure you don't have 90 bijillion keywords. The fewer and more targeted the better. Put the title tag up on top first.

3. Content: Provide useful, necessary content. Get feedback from your visitors to find out what they are looking for; what they want, and create pages accordingly. The more descriptive text on each individual page, the better.

4. Ad Settings: Change them about once a month or so. Make large banners smaller; use verticals in some places, definitely change colors so people notice - especially repeat visitors who have 'turned off' the ads in their heads if they see them in the same place with the same colors and formats all the time...'