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Excel 2007 Calculation Error Fix from Microsoft

David Gainer posted this article on his blog with the corrections for the Excel 2007 Calculation error we wrote about recently.

Two weeks ago, we posted about an issue involving the calculation of numbers around 65,535 and 65,536. As of today, fixes for this issue in Excel 2007 and Excel Services 2007 are available for download from the following locations:
Excel 2007
64-bit Excel Services 2007
32-bit Excel Services 2007

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Software Development Productivity

I have been working on a project for the last week and half that has some very complex coding required. There are a number of variables, arrays and concepts I need to keep in the front of my brain as I juggle the data and the concepts around so as to create the correct code to pull the right information out into reports for the client.
Every time I get interrupted by a phone call, the kids or something else, my immediate brain drops most of that and I end up coming back to the computer saying "now what the heck was I working on?"

There are a bunch of articles that explain just what is happening there (and no its not old age!)

Joel Spolsky puts it best

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Finding MAX date with an Array Formula in Excel

Last week I was struggling with getting an array formula to work properly with the MAX function.
I had a column of business units, a column of dates and a status column.
I wanted to find the most recent date for any given business unit where the status was a particular criteria.
I did try using Bob Phillip's sum product page and Chris Pearson's array formulas page, but it still wasn't working right. Fortunately Bob emailed me with the answer and explained it very well. (I was missing the IF function).
Heres the formula and what Bob said about it:
=MAX(IF((criteria_range1="criteria1")* (criteria_range2="criteria2")* (criteria_range3="criteria3"), date_range))

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Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 3 - problems with Excel Macros

Microsoft released Office 2003 Service Pack 3 (SP3) recently. According to their blurb
Microsoft® Office 2003 Service Pack 3 (SP3) represents a major evolution in security for Office 2003. It further hardens the Office suite against potential attacks and other security threats. This service pack also includes fixes that have been previously released as separate updates for Office 2003.
You can get specific information about this update in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article (923618): Description of Office 2003 Service Pack 3