Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Stupid is as Stupid does
This academic article publishing the research from Cornell University by Justin Kruger and David Dunning is excellent.The main premise of their research is that stupid people can't recognise their own stupidity or learn from it.
OK in their actual words,
We argue that when people are incompetent in
the strategies they adopt to achieve success and satisfaction, they
suffer a dual burden: Not only do they reach erroneous conclusions
and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence robs them of
the ability to realize it.
Read the first page of the article at least - skim the rest, there is some fantastic stuff there.
Labels: psychology
Work Mode
Music pumping, Aromatherapy buring (lime essence) cold drink - lime tonic water and cranberry juice on the rocks, and work lined up.- 50 odd emails to process, files, reply to etc
- 3 websites to update - Jamie has done the posts, I need to edit and publish them
- a newsletter to produce, (cut and paste from emails)
- a new car to sort sign writing for - we just bought a new Suzuki Swift Sport as an office car, I'll post pictures after the sign writing is done next week
- 2 developers work to check through and follow up on
- 2 quotes to follow up on for new work
- bills to pay
- and I have a massively sore neck where I strained a muscle this morning and i can't turn to the left without pain.
Normal evening actually.
Labels: work
Lots of reading
I have finished a lot of books in the last couple of weeks.
The Battle For Truth by David A Noebel.
This book is a comparison of the 4 worldviews idetified as Secular Humanism, Marxist/Leninist Humanism, Cosmic Humanism (Or New Age) and Christianity.
It outlines the position of each worldview according to its chief proponents / teachings in each of the following areas:
This a great resource for understanding the teachings of each of these religions / worldviews and how they contrast in each of these areas. Interestingly all of them except Christianity end up with irreconcilable or irrational contradictions between some of these topics.
I also bought some other resources for the Christian Worldview Network which are on their way here!
Time for Truth by Os Guinness.
This is a short book outlining just what Truth is and how it affects our lives. The blurb on the front cover says "Living free in a world of lies, hype and spin".
Exactly! Good reading.
I have also nearly finished listening to an audio book Good to Great by Jim Collins.
This is an excellent book. 5 years of research went into determining what the factors were that shifted 11 good companies to become great companies. Such qualities as Level 5 Leadership, the Hedgehog Concept , a Culture of Discipline, Technology Accelerators and the Flywheel and the Doom Loop are discussed in detail. Good listening.
I have also listened to two audio sermons of Ray Comfort, True and False Conversions and Hell's Best Kept Secret. Powerful stuff.
Finally I have also just received in the mail today the 5 volume Complete Works of Francis Schaeffer. Lots of good reading to come!
Schaeffer is a writer I first doscovered when my Dad started reading his books. I was a little young then to understand them, but Dad explained some of the concepts to me. I have since borrowed and read several and own one book. Now I have the entire set I can read them all.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Just realised
That as I get older I actually learn stuff.Hmm..
ok come back later when I have remembered what I was going to say when i clocked on the new post link.
As I get older I also get more forgetful!
Labels: forgot
Saturday, January 20, 2007
I had a great night the other night.After dinner we just kicked back playing on the futon, playing horsies and tickle fights and jump on Dad!

Jadeen loves taking lots of pictures now, she took a whole bunch with my camera phone just recently, I have loaded them up to flikr in a set called Jadeens Photos.
Tonight we went to the park to play and when we got home Jade took the pictures of Jude and I kissing!

Thursday, January 11, 2007
Pardon me your slip is showing!
My mother taught me to say "Its snowing down under" if you needed to politely let a lady know her lacy petticoat was showing. Living in Brisbane I doubt many ladies here wear petticoats as its too hot. However there is the very real issue of a woman accidentally showing too much flesh or their lingerie.The first problem is was it deliberate? Assuming its not then the burning question is do they want you to let them know so they can fix it, or would they die of embarrassment if you did. I have in the past polled female friends and got a mixed response; some said "yes please I would want to know" while others said "no way that would be terrible!"
Today I took up the courage to inform a female colleague that there were a couple of skirts that she wears and a certain way she has of sitting that exposes more than what I assumed she would be comfortable with in a business setting. As she works with me with my clients I hoped she would take this in the spirit it was intended, but I think she was more embarrassed than pleased.
So ladies, and men if you were a lady, what would you prefer, to be told you were showing your bits, or to go on being exposed in ignorant bliss?
We have been going to personal training - and taking our staff - for 8 weeks now. That is fortunate, because the level of sargeant major treatment there is nothing compared to what I did Tuesday night.Yep - back to footy, or AFL training. One of the guys I used to play with is now the coach and did he work us hard or what, though I mentioned to the young lads that this was nothing to what it used to be like in my day!
So now I am sitting with my feet in a VERY cold ice bath attempting to ensure that this tired old 39 yr old body can keep up with the 19 -30 yr old fellas next Tuesday.
Its good to be back!
Thanks to Phillip and John for the inspiration.
Friday, January 05, 2007
How to kill a programmer
Refer to Doug's poston how to kill a programmer and also Joel Spolky's original article on programming productivity.Here are the comments I made over at Dougs site.
I agree - I read Joel's article too - it is very true.
I can be in the middle of balancing a whole bunch of variables and short term things in my brain as I solve a complex programming problem, and then the kids have a fight in the next room (where my wife is seated at her pc). I am "programmed" to tune it out and initially I ignore it - but then the cries turn to screams and howls as injustices are performed and I am forced to become involved. Unfortunately I normally do that with some angst at my wife's perceived lack of intervention and the fact I am interrupted. This causes two losses of productivity, first I lose the spot I am in and have to back up and get into that zone again. Second I have to now set more time aside for "family peacemaking" to set right the wrongs caused by the way I handled it. The first I can do nothing about (short of physically relocating my office out of my home or sound proofing and locking the room), I am working on the second.
Monday, January 01, 2007
2006 in review
What a year!I know people always say that the last year went faster than the one before - but 2006 just screamed by!
Where do I start with a review? There were so many good things and not a lot of bad.
I guess I should start with God. He has been good to us this year. I have had work all year - more on that soon. We have had a roof over our heads, food on the table and petrol in the tank. All the bills have been paid - eventually! He is an awesome provider. I have also gotten closer to God than ever before through a number of key things. First church issues (more on that later too) meant we met for prayer more regularly. The group of guys that have been meeting are an awesome bunch and its been good getting to know them at the same time.
Jude and I have been married 11 years now. Time has flown! We have become very comfortable together. I guess that the early danger of a marriage busting is gone. I can see that the next danger is drifting apart as comfort turns into neglect so we need to be careful not to let that happen. We have spent some time this year doing different things together. Being very busy means that some priorities needed to change for this to happen. Thus I work late at nights after we watch a movie or tv show together. Fortunately we have very similar tastes, both of us love sci fi and off beat comedy, so Stargate Atlantis, The IT Crowd and My Name is Earl amongst others are watched when we have time.
The kids are growing up fast. It is amazing to watch and consider the beautiful young ladies they are becoming. Miranda ia 10 and already hanging to be a teenager. She is full of knowledge, loves to read, and enjoys helping mum and I. Jadeen is cheeky and inquisitive. She is sporty and athletic. She is very sensitive and is easily upset so we are working with her to learn not to react badly to things. Erin is like a miniature hurricane!. She loves to dance. Mercedes is shooting up and is well into the terrible twos. Tantrums and dummy spitting galore as she learns to come under her parents' authority. When she is being good she is cuddly, happy and very funny. She is a born comic.
I guess some of the best times in 2006 were when the kids were asleep and I snuck in and gave them a kiss on the forehead and just watch them, pray for them and get my head absolutely blown apart that these are my daughters!
Certainly playing computer games with them, teaching them card games like diminishing whist and Uno and playing other board games has been fun as well.
Huge topic. Lots happening. For now check this post out at our main company website. Expansion of the business from the original one man band into a team of people who work together is challenging to say the least. Progress is slow but there is a long term plan here. September 2005 was the 10th anniversary of the start of our business. It was also the time we started planning the expansion. The next ten years looks to be promising as we grow into a boutique web 2.0 software development house.
Things have been happening in this space also. I am moving further into the administration and leadership of our local church Rivers Baptist. We have been also growing our snmall home based church that meets on a sunday afternoon / evening for fellowship and study. It has been great getting to know the other families that come and enjoying their company.
2006 was a disaster for sport. I decided for the first time in my life to not play a team sport (usually soccer) and now regret that choice. Maybe it was necessary from a priority perspective but my fitness has certainly suffered as a result. I did play squash regularly through the year. We have been taking our staff to personal training once a week and I have also continued the mountain bike riding. I am still going hard and suffering the usual gravel rashes from the odd crash!
We started in 2006. We are just starting to develop this now and hope to make a significant contribution to our community with this in the future.
The year was a great one! Absolutely looking forward to 2007!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Hope you had a good one - we did!We had a quiet time at home with the family, playing games, opening presents, eating food, and then friends came over and we enjoyed them too.
Boxing day was Jadeen's birthday as always - and that was fun too wth a awesome caramel mud cake! Pictures on the miller family website.