Sunday, April 23, 2006
Finished books
Only managed to complete one book this week, but what a book!Max Lucado's "Travelling Light".
A very refreshing view of the 23rd Psalm. Max exhorts and encourages us to recognise and then let loose the bags that weigh us down; guilt, envy, bitternesss, worry and more. His pithy little stories and emotive language jerk responses from you.
Psalm 23 is probably the most read Psalm, and maybe the most well known piece of the Bible. Yet Max managed to help me see things in there I had never seen or thought of before. A great book - fantastic read!
Monday, April 17, 2006
Happy Wedding Anniversary to me - and Jude!
11 years to day - fantastic wonderful years - the like I could never have imagined!There are moments when I ponder just what this thing called love is - when I know that no matter what hapens there she is - when I can look at her sleeping face and know she sleeps secure in my love - and that much trust scares me - and the times when she smiles at me and my heart flutters - the times she touches me and just affirms her love for me.
Words fail me - I love you Jude!
Friday, April 14, 2006
I took some great photos today.Check these reflections of boats out!
Buckets more photos on the miller family website - in the nature and artistic galleries.
I finished some more books
Finished this week:
Raymond Feist - Exiles return. Book 3 of the Conclave of Shadows. I can see this book's ending opening up the way for another series.
Robert Don Hughes - The Power and the Prophet - book 3 of Pelmen the Powershaper trilogy. Excellent trilogy - well written and nicely contained. No loose ends and some very complex subplots. There is possible some subtle social / religious concepts and themes here also. I am not sure whether Hughes (who is a pastor) is trying to make any points or not. Still its a fun little series on its own without trying to read anything into it, and if you do then there are some interesting thoughts to ponder on the nature of religion and its place in the workd.
Yesterday I wrote my motorbike off.I had an accident with a car. Actually the car drove through two blocked lines off traffic out behind a truck into my clear lane and I hit him! - His fault entirely.
So the Yamaha Warrior XV1700 Midnight Edition is now in a tow truck yard waiting for the insurance claim to begin.
The frame snapped off cleanly from the impact. I fortunately was only doing about 40km/hr when I saw him drive out in front of me - about 10 metres away. So the impact, while nasty was not too bad. I ended up on the bonnet.
I was so furious I had to go and cool down for about 5 minutes away from the scene. I let others take my poor bike off the road and I just ignored everybody until I had cooled down enough to be civil.
Damage to me is minimal. I have a very sore left wrist (sprained) and a sore buttock where I whacked the car!
Photos of car and bike below.

Friday, April 07, 2006
Books finished in last 2 weeks
I haven't been blogging a lot lately - I've been reading!
Books finished in the last two weeks are:
Raymond Feist - King of Foxes - book 2 of the Conclave of Shadows trilogy
Byron Preiss and Michael Reaves - Dragon World
Jim Stovall - Wisdom of the Ages
Robert Don Hughes - The Prophet of Lamath - book 1 of Pelmen the Powershaper trilogy
Robert Don Hughes - The Wizard in Waiting - book 2 of Pelmen the Powershaper trilogy
Started bool 3 of the Pelmen trilogy and purchased book 3 of the Conclave of Shadows, as well as the Ashuak Chronicles, a trilogy by Tony Shillitoe.
I also purchased Thud by Terry Pratchett for Judith.
I now am down to 29 books in my immediate reading pile to be read.
Working in the city and riding the train for 45 minutes each way is really helping get through them. In 5 weeks time I will be travelling to the coal mines to work for 8 weeks, flying twice a week for close to 2 hours giving me more time to read.
Now its off to watch a movie with Judith before doing some work!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Uncle Jethro again!
My sister Priscilla and George her husband have had a little baby boy - Jacob. Finally the tide of girls is starting to turn. So far the grandparents (mum and dad) have 7 girl and 2 boy grandchildren!
More pictures on the extended millers website