Thursday, December 29, 2005
Lord Of The Rings Marathon
We are going to watch the entire extended version of the Lord Of The Rings movie this weekend. Friday night starting at 6PM we will kick off and run right through the night finishing up with a breakfast. So far there are 10 hard core LOTR fans coming to watch with me. 7.1 THX surround sound along with a large widescreen projector, comfortable couches and plenty of snacks!It's gonna be great!
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Christmas 2005
If I could sum up today in one word it would be "family".Today was a day for family. Mostly ours.
The last few days and in fact the last week has been a frantic realignment of schedules as I got into the swing of a new contract for a client in the city - an hour commute each way.
So yesterday I finished off work for two other clients (got 3 hours sleep before heading out to the last meeting on Saturday).
Today the only work I had to do was the RPD for my brother Jono
So today we just did relaxing stuff with no deadlines.
- Got up (way too early thanks to 4 excited kids)
- Ate breakfast and did chores in super fast time
- read from Luke Chapter 1. Verse 37 is cool and the kids memorised that before we opened presents.
- Mercedes was really involved and she finished up with a fun play with the discarded paper!
- I received 5 books and a pair of handcuffs.
- The other kids then settled down to play with their new toys and puzzles and books while I did Jonos RPD.
- Then we had an early lunch and settled in for a nap / play computer games.
In the afternoon we headed up to Kristy-Lees place for afternoon tea and a swim. Was real nice spending some time with her folks. (She is Jamie's girlfriend. Jamie all but lives here.) - We headed home in a thunderstorm and got dinner on. Two of the kids stayed up there And Jamie brought them down when they came so Jude and I got some time together which was nice.
- Jamie's Dad - who had been driving a taxi all day - had a fare to drop off 10 minutes away right on dinner time so he came up also and we had a lovely meal of roast turkey and ham, spuds, sweet potatoes and onions, along with peas and corn, cheese sauce and cranberry sauce followed by Christmas pudding, reindeer poo and caramel fudge (all home made).
- Now a friend of mine and Jamies is coming up and we are going to play Battlefield 2 Special Forces for a couple of hours online. Jamie gave me the game for Christmas - thanks mate!
An awesome Christmas with my family.
I hope yours was good too.
Christmas 2005
If I could sum up today in one word it would be "family".Today was a day for family. Mostly ours.
The last few days and in fact the last week has been a frantic realignment of schedules as I got into the swing of a new contract for a client in the city - an hour commute each way.
So yesterday I finished off work for two other clients (got 3 hours sleep before heading out to the last meeting on Saturday).
Today the only work I had to do was the RPD for my brother Jono
So today we just did relaxing stuff with no deadlines.
- Got up (way too early thanks to 4 excited kids)
- Ate breakfast and did chores in super fast time
- read from Luke Chapter 1. Verse 37 is cool and the kids memorised that before we opened presents.
- Mercedes was really involved and she finished up with a fun play with the discarded paper!
- I received 5 books and a pair of handcuffs.
- The other kids then settled down to play with their new toys and puzzles and books while I did Jonos RPD.
- Then we had an early lunch and settled in for a nap / play computer games.
In the afternoon we headed up to Kristy-Lees place for afternoon tea and a swim. Was real nice spending some time with her folks. (She is Jamie's girlfriend. Jamie all but lives here.) - We headed home in a thunderstorm and got dinner on. Two of the kids stayed up there And Jamie brought them down when they came so Jude and I got some time together which was nice.
- Jamie's Dad - who had been driving a taxi all day - had a fare to drop off 10 minutes away right on dinner time so he came up also and we had a lovely meal of roast turkey and ham, spuds, sweet potatoes and onions, along with peas and corn, cheese sauce and cranberry sauce followed by Christmas pudding, reindeer poo and caramel fudge (all home made).
- Now a friend of mine and Jamies is coming up and we are going to play Battlefield 2 Special Forces for a couple of hours online. Jamie gave me the game for Christmas - thanks mate!
An awesome Christmas with my family.
I hope yours was good too.
Christmas 2005
If I could sum up today in one word it would be "family".Today was a day for family. Mostly ours.
The last few days and in fact the last week has been a frantic realignment of schedules as I got into the swing of a new contract for a client in the city - an hour commute each way.
So yesterday I finished off work for two other clients (got 3 hours sleep before heading out to the last meeting on Saturday).
Today the only work I had to do was the RPD for my brother Jono
So today we just did relaxing stuff with no deadlines.
- Got up (way too early thanks to 4 excited kids)
- Ate breakfast and did chores in super fast time
- read from Luke Chapter 1. Verse 37 is cool and the kids memorised that before we opened presents.
- Mercedes was really involved and she finished up with a fun play with the discarded paper!
- I received 5 books and a pair of handcuffs.
- The other kids then settled down to play with their new toys and puzzles and books while I did Jonos RPD.
- Then we had an early lunch and settled in for a nap / play computer games.
In the afternoon we headed up to Kristy-Lees place for afternoon tea and a swim. Was real nice spending some time with her folks. (She is Jamie's girlfriend. Jamie all but lives here.) - We headed home in a thunderstorm and got dinner on. Two of the kids stayed up there And Jamie brought them down when they came so Jude and I got some time together which was nice.
- Jamie's Dad - who had been driving a taxi all day - had a fare to drop off 10 minutes away right on dinner time so he came up also and we had a lovely meal of roast turkey and ham, spuds, sweet potatoes and onions, along with peas and corn, cheese sauce and cranberry sauce followed by Christmas pudding, reindeer poo and caramel fudge (all home made).
- Now a friend of mine and Jamies is coming up and we are going to play Battlefield 2 Special Forces for a couple of hours online. Jamie gave me the game for Christmas - thanks mate!
An awesome Christmas with my family.
I hope yours was good too.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Christmas is coming way to fast!
I am snowed under with work.I have a new contract that I am wrapping my head around (see this post for an example!) as well as a number of other clients to prepare work for including a client with an end of financial year at 31 December 2005.
Along with that there are the usual technical and support issues to be found when hosting multiple clients websites. I am behind on producing my brothers weekly newsletter. I saw my kids for aproximately 2 minutes yesterday and I have yet to complete a building project that I am constructing for Christmas (read - not started yet). I am going to make a small wooden oven / stove for the cubby house.
Oh and I have taken on a new project!. I am teaching an absolute beginner how to develop websites. So far he is doing very well and has created a very nice simple website using HTML and CSS.
See ya - head back down!
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Rebecca St James in concert
Last night Rebecca St James came to our church (Rivers Baptist Church) and sang. We were in the front row!She is an amazing singer and also an awesome message was delivered. Her life exudes God! Wow!
Kudos to me! For my brother David I scored a message and autograph, and also her personal email address - just for him! So don't ask me for it.
Unfortunately I forgot the camera, so just had to make do with my phone camera.

Friday, December 16, 2005
Awesome start to the day
Had to go to a number of clients today and left the house early. I went and said goodbye to all the kids first while they were sitting at the table eating breakfast.We have read the Five Love Languages, and also the Five Love Languages For Kids so know the importance of filling love tanks. Yesterday we went Christmas shopping with the kids which made them super excited, so this morning I just topped up their tanks by kissing them all on the head and saying goodbye before I left. I went down to my office and got my stuff and as I went to go out the front door called down to the back of the house "Goodbye". I got a chorus of goodbyes back. So I called down "Love you" and got a chorus of "Love you" back.
Monday, December 12, 2005
No not for smuggling drugs, paintingsJude might be getting really good at painting them but I reckon I'm getting pretty handy at hanging them.
Here are her latest canvases that have been hung in the bedroom on a large blank wall.
Each painting is around 30cm square.

Friday, December 09, 2005
Lightning Shots

Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Toy Run
I went on a Bikers Charity Toy Run on Sunday.Read the full story on the millerfamily website where there's a heap of photos also.
Here are some cool clouds I took photos of as well.
Mercedes age 21.5 months
I was playing with Mercedes and Erin this morning. Building block piles and playing Mr Ducky. Then throwing them onto the bed. I was lying on the floor and they were coming back for more throwing. When I stopped that Erin lay over me and planted a huge raspberry on my stomach. Mercedes immediately followed up with one of her own.Special moments.