Its been a long time since I last updated my book list on here.
Since then I have read the next three books in the Serrano Series by Elizabeth Moon, Rules of Engagement, Change of Command and Against the Odds. I have one left to read in this series. I also enjoyed her Vatta's War series having read the first 4 books. One more to read in this series also.
Currently I am reading Janny Wurts Light and Shadow series latest book Stormed Fortress.
I am also reading aloud to the kids a lot. I have finished reading Swallows and Amazons and Swallowdale, two of the awesome Arthur Ransome books to the two eldest girls. They really enjoyed the books. Now I am reading Winnie the Pooh to Erin, The Chronicles of Narnia to Jadeen, and The Lord of the Rings to Miranda. We have finished the Magicians nephew and are into the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe with Jadeen Miranda pesters me every night to read the next chapter of the Lord of the Rings. Last night we entered Lothlorien. As we have been reading the series we are also watching the movies. So far she has seen the first disc from the first movie and can't wait to finish the Fellowship of the ring so we can watch the second half together. Its been interesting seeing what was left out of the movies or changed to make the movies work better.
I am sure there are some more I have read and forgotten as well. I have received a large number of books for birthday and Christmas since October, and they are all in my to be read book shelf.
Last night after dinner the kids were playing contortionist games on the floor, spinning around and stretching and having fun. I was sitting in the chair watching them play and asked who could do the strangest thing with their body. Mercedes climbed up on to me and gave me a full on cuddle. I said Mercedes wins - she is cuddling me. Next minute I had 4 clingons as they all rushed me for a cuddle!
As I was putting them to bed more cuddles came. As I said good night to Miranda and Jadeen, Miranda said "I have so much love for you I am overflowing with love for you Daddy." Jadeen said "Me too!"
I guess their love tanks are full.
My 11 year daughter Miranda has a blog. She has started updating it more regularly now as well. You will need to create an account on the website if you want to comment on her blog.
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