Thursday, October 14, 2004

Church Stuff

I been real busy lately with church activities. I haven't been blogging about them because they have been kind of sensitive.
I have been on a board committee (as a church member representative) looking at some constitutional change issues. Sounds dry and boring? Far from it. We have got some doozies to manage. The main issue is the financial structure of the church. We are recommending some fairly extensive changes to the way the church manages its finances, does its accounting and reporting and the accountability structure.
As a consequence I have been also providing some consulting to the church in my professional capacity (gratis). So its no longer a secret as such.
I have also been nominated for a position on the board. I had my interview with the review team last night.
I must confess I'm a little nervous.
If they recommend me to the board then the board must ratify their decision and then it must go to the members in the next AGM (end of November) where it must get up in a 75% vote.
I am learning patience and to trust God!