Friday, October 22, 2004

Blog Explosion Traffic

I have had heaps of hits from Blog Explosion surfers. In my last post I asked them to say gidday. Here are some who did. I have checked them out and found some useful stuff. I guess this is the power of a viral marketing concept like Blog Explosion. However it only works if the connection is made and the name is left. I endeavour to say hi to the poeple I surf past with Blog Explosion. If you came here random surfing, please use your 30 seconds to leave your blog url in the comments so I can visit you.

Visitors who have said hi.
Genuine A real neat bloke.
A tale of 2 WAHM's 2 Work at home mothers with lots of interesting stuff including a parenting e-zine, blog tech tips and more.
Modern Princess Dry humour and wit. Amy's trying to get pregnant also.
Pesky Apostrophe Make up your own mind about this bloke!
Uncle Henry Blog A blog dedicated to reviewing Mobile, Alabama's most popular radio talk show, The Uncle Henry Show.