Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Lots of reading

I have finished a lot of books in the last couple of weeks.

The Battle For Truth by David A Noebel.
This book is a comparison of the 4 worldviews idetified as Secular Humanism, Marxist/Leninist Humanism, Cosmic Humanism (Or New Age) and Christianity.
It outlines the position of each worldview according to its chief proponents / teachings in each of the following areas:

This a great resource for understanding the teachings of each of these religions / worldviews and how they contrast in each of these areas. Interestingly all of them except Christianity end up with irreconcilable or irrational contradictions between some of these topics.

I also bought some other resources for the Christian Worldview Network which are on their way here!

Time for Truth by Os Guinness.

This is a short book outlining just what Truth is and how it affects our lives. The blurb on the front cover says "Living free in a world of lies, hype and spin".
Exactly! Good reading.

I have also nearly finished listening to an audio book Good to Great by Jim Collins.
This is an excellent book. 5 years of research went into determining what the factors were that shifted 11 good companies to become great companies. Such qualities as Level 5 Leadership, the Hedgehog Concept , a Culture of Discipline, Technology Accelerators and the Flywheel and the Doom Loop are discussed in detail. Good listening.

I have also listened to two audio sermons of Ray Comfort, True and False Conversions and Hell's Best Kept Secret. Powerful stuff.

Finally I have also just received in the mail today the 5 volume Complete Works of Francis Schaeffer. Lots of good reading to come!

Schaeffer is a writer I first doscovered when my Dad started reading his books. I was a little young then to understand them, but Dad explained some of the concepts to me. I have since borrowed and read several and own one book. Now I have the entire set I can read them all.